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000180_owner-lightwave-l _Thu Aug 4 17:35:25 1994.msg
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Received: by mail.netcom.com ( id QAA06416; Thu, 4 Aug 1994 16:42:08 -0700
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Date: Thu, 4 Aug 1994 16:41:18 -0700 (MST)
From: David Gilinsky <dave@gaspra.pd.com>
Subject: reducing list traffic
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
On Thu, 4 Aug 1994, Tim Salazar wrote:
> >David Sallach writes:
> >Various people have expressed concern about the volume of
> >traffic on this listerver;
> We could have a moderated list. The moderator could make better headings
> and sort the areas to digest. Of course, someone would have to be moderator.
Hello Lightwave-l subscribers,
I'm including the general posting/responding guidelines for
the Sun Managers group with which I have been, and continue to be, extremely
happy. I think that adopting these guidelines might significantly
decrease the amount of traffic that this listserver has to handle; and
increase the efficiency with which useful information is disseminated
throughout the subscriber base.
**** Begin Included Message ****
To help hold down unnecessary messages, a specific policy has been adopted
regarding the posting of questions and their answers. A person who sends a
question in to this list is expected to collect, summarize, and post the
answers to that question. In this way, all readers may benefit from the
answers. A "summary" is not merely a concatenation of all responses: at
the very least duplicate answers should be filtered out, and some
information on the results of the original posters implementation of the
suggestions would also be beneficial. The Subject line of the message
containing the summary should start with the word "SUMMARY". It would also
be nice if the original poster kept a copy of this summary in case the
question comes up again in a few months.
Similarly, ALL ANSWERS to a question should be sent ONLY TO THE ORIGINAL
POSTER. They should NOT be CC-ed to the entire list. PLEASE take the time
to double check your reply to insure that the list will not receive a copy.
This is the best way to hold down the traffic in this medium.
**** End Included Message ****
Any thoughts?
Reply directly to me - I'll summarize. ;)
Pixel Dust, Inc.